Thursday 30 October 2008

13 Everything In Moderation


13 Everything In Moderation

How many times have you heard that statement? The best results are always when anything is done in moderation. You gain body fat because you weren't eating or drinking in moderation so in order to reverse that situation you also need to plan your weight loss programs so that eating or exercising that is involved with your weight loss programs is also done in moderation.

Excessive exercising for somebody who hasn't done much in the past can result in injury and that injury can make you less mobile and increase the opportunity to gain body fat. Remember us AARP folk already have slowed down metabolic rates. So as we increase our excessive levels slowly we also speed up our AARP bodies muscle tone resulting in more calories burned per hour.

Sudden changes in diet will send the body into reactionary mode storing fat. Gradual changes to your weight loss diet on the other hand done in moderation will not send signals to the body that is a starving and in fact you won't feel as though you are starving either if you do it in moderation.

Making moderate changes to your food and exercise won't infringe on your lifestyle anywhere near as much and that will in effect make it a lot easier for you to maintain the changes for a lot longer until they become second nature.Try Adaptogenplus food supplement to keep your moods stable during this transition time. Check it out here Adaptogenplus Click on SHOP. Top right category is Mood Enhancement scroll down and select Adaptogenplus. Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

This is when you will get to the stage where you can gradually keep reducing the body fat and become healthier and healthier and more energetic as time goes on. Take a look at our nutritional products to strengthen you health while reduction your bodyweight. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

Even your intake or water has to be in moderation because drinking excessive water can flush out important nutrients from your system doing more harm than good. Once again drink filtered water as tap water can also create problems. Make your weight loss program a healthy one.

You are better drinking a glass of water here and there throughout the day rather than trying to drink gallons of water in the hope that it will help you to lose weight faster. You body adjusts slowly.

Even good foods need to be eaten in moderation as excessive quantities of these foods can still cause the body to store them as fat.

It's a simple rule to follow really; if you are eating drinking or exercising too much or too little you are unlikely to get optimum results.


Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Wednesday 29 October 2008


If I Only Had A Business Of My Own…

This statement is one that many people make over and over again to explain away working in a nine to five job and only taking home a paycheck. There is now no excuse for working from home, especially AARP section of society who have the time. Tomorrows Home Business has made this a violable proposition. Many times people wish to have their own business and try over to over again following losing strategies and wondering why they are failing. Anyone can be rich if they follow the right strategies.

In this email series I have been using statements from "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill who wrote his book many years ago. Many people have read the book and become wealthy by putting its principles into practice. I read this book as a child, as a young adult, and as a grown man, every time taking away new information and being able to put it into practice. This book has allowed me to achieve the wealth of my dreams. In the book it tells you that you should be open to all sorts of opportunities.

The TOMORROW'S HOME BUSINESS opportunity is one you should not pass by. It is a unique one of the kind business model that puts the "little guy" in the driver's seat. By being able to buy customers instead of leads you're able to build your business and get commissions right from the beginning. The work is already done all you do is capitalize on it.

Again if you have not done so please come to this online live presentation here.Click this Conference Room link to arrive. Enter the room and click the 3rd tab at the top. Type your name in as the user name. And success as the password. Then listen firsthand how this business model can change your life. The meetings are held on Thursday at 6:00 PM EST. If after you come to the meeting you are interested in pursuing this further please contact me at the phone number below and I will be glad to explain this model further. I hope these emails have been informative and have motivated you to action.

Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia
CONTACT SHAUN Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Tuesday 28 October 2008

12 Weight Loss Walking the Nordic Way. AARP MEMBERS CAN DO THIS

Weight loss doesn't have to be something that you dread every day of the week. This plan is so simple that any of us in the AARP age group can benefit greatly and enjoy exercise at the same time

You should be eating good healthy food that doesn't leave you feeling starved although initially you might feel that way as you change from the bulk poor quality food that you've been eating to smaller portions of better quality food.

It can take time to your body to adjust and one of the best ways to help out in this situation is to drink more water. Water plays a vital role in regulating body temperature, moving nutrients and oxygen throughout the body,cushioning the joints and protecting vital organs and tissues. Avoid water in plastic containers and drink filtered water.

It take a good few minutes for your brain to realize you have eaten food once you have swallowed it. That is why I tell my clients to serve their portions on smaller plates and eat slower.

Most people realize that exercise is one of the best ways of losing weight although there are a lot of people who are reluctant to exercise for one reason or another. Adaptogen Plus can help you on your way to a fitter body. Check it out here Adaptogenplus Click on SHOP. Top right category is Mood Enhancement scroll down and select Adaptogenplus. Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

For those people who are obese it can be quite difficult to exercise although there are forms of exercise their can cater to virtually anybody.

Swimming biking and walking are three very good low impact forms of exercise that can improve your fitness and reduce your body weight. They can speed up your metabolism and help you to burn fat and swimming in particular is very good for people who are overweight to the extent that they find walking difficult.

Recently Nordic walking has become a lot more popular and this is a particularly good form of exercise for two reasons. Firstly by using the poles when you are walking you are using a lot more of your upper body muscles for the exercise and in doing so this helps to burn more calories than walking without them.

The other benefit of using the poles when walking is the fact that it takes a lot of the stress off your knees and hips and this can be a godsend for oversized people who find that their joints take quite a hammering when walking due to their weight.

Is no wonder that Nordic walking is becoming one of the most popular forms of exercise throughout the country. To help you with your restoration program go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed LinksCONTACT SHAUN

Saturday 25 October 2008


Do You Make Excuses For Not Having Enough Money…?

Have you ever read the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill?   AARP was not around when this book was written back in the early 1900's and reprinted over and over again with millions of these books in print.

Working from home was not an option then as it is now for AARP VETS and WANNABE ENTREPRENEURS. If you haven't read this book you should do so! In a nutshell Napoleon Hill met Andrew Carnegie and ask him how he got so rich? At the time Carnegie was the richest man in the world.

Carnegie met with Hill and shared his secrets with him, then gave him letters of introductions to 500 of the wealthiest people in the world and Hill met with them and interviewed them. He put all the information in the single book "Think and Grow Rich" which has stood the test of time. Even today people are still reading and putting the principals into practice. Much wealth has been created by reading this book.

In his book he talks about 55 reasons why people don't become wealthy and this series of emails will address them. These reasons are designed to direct you to a revolutionary new business model that is taken the business world by storm. You can find out about it at TOMORROW'S HOME BUSINESS and sign up for an on-line meeting at Click this Conference Room link to arrive. Enter the room and click the 3rd tab at the top. Type your name in as the user name. And success as the password. When arrive, Tom Prendergasp, the creator of ItsGoodBusiness of which Tomorrows Home Business is a new team.

Tom will talk about this business model. The model is backed by a substantial company that has put together a business model that allows the "Little Guy" to acquire wealth. You see this model is the development of years of searching for a structure that would allow anyone to enter into a business and have success eminent without having to make cold calls, purchase awful leads, and beg people to come to a business that has no appeal. This model has answered the question of "Why can't I become wealthy, I work hard enough?"

Most business models are designed to assist and make the company wealthier and the person who is doing all the work gets the crumbs. This business model puts the worker at the top of the model right from the start. The model is based on buying customers and not leads. No longer do you have to worry about whether you are prospecting properly or not. You don't have to do it anymore! All you have to do is purchase customers that are already sold. Your customers are yours for life.

Now let's take one of the reasons that people don't become successful and see if you have ever used it. "If I had enough money…..." How many times have you said this? People get in their own way. Put it in perspective, if you had to come up with a sizable amount of money in an emergency situation you could do it. When you look to creating, starting or running a business you have to take an initial plunge to get it going but the rewards are extremely high. Even though TOMORROW'S HOME BUSINESS is not a major expense it is an expense but it comes with an army of people working together. Take a look at it... what do you have to lose?


Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia

Friday 24 October 2008

Greetings AARP VETS,

With the variety of info at the AARP site I my colleague Dave Ogden shared what the AARP calculators computed in order l be a millionaire, Investing $1 per day and sure enough it works, if at 15 he had saved just $1 a day he would have been a millionaire by the age of 60, based on a rate of return of 15%.

The problem however is that inflation will eat into the numbers and reduce your savings by half. The common factor in all the AARP calculators is the exponential growth, for example if you continue contributing for a further 5 years you will more than double your money!

AARP members and millions of others around the world are suffering during the financial crisis, but there is a way out. Based on my own Retirement Annuity Plan after investing over a 30 year period $7000 my income is only $1000 per month. I don't know what the percentages are but look at this realistic 10 year plan.

I found a business which will provide me with a 15% return and invest just $1,500 up front and $1000 per year for 10 years with an expected monthly pay out of $10,000 been conservative. You would need $800,000 invested in a institution at 15% to give you this return. You would also be subject to the current type of risk involved that can wipe you out overnight.

To hear more about this amazing opportunity go to our online meeting that is held every Thursday at 6:00 PM our teams conference room. Click this Conference Room link to arrive. Enter the room and click the 3rd tab at the top. Type your name in as the user name. And success as the password. You will learn how this marvellous business model works.


Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia

Thursday 23 October 2008

11 Emotional Triggers and weight loss by Shaun McClelland AARP MEMBERS TAKE NOTE

There are many different reasons why people become overweight. One is the lack of money which leads to eating to much fatty/oily food. check out the link below for the Best Internet Home Business in this multi billion dollar wellness industry.For those of us in the AARP group, this article will inform us on two fronts. Weight Loss and Wealth Creation

It is not as simple as saying that overweight people just eat too much. Because there can be any number of psychological reasons that make people want to eat more. Just the thought of a weight loss program can make you eat more.

Emotional triggers such as stress, sadness, depression and so on can all make a person want to eat more food. This is due to the fact that there are certain chemicals in the brain that are linked to both mood and hunger.

Many people associate eating with various different emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more food to make themselves feel better, or happier, or more comforted.

If you feel that this is the reason for your lack of weight loss, then it is probably better to get those issues resolved first by seeing a specialist rather than trying to attack the food problem first.

For a lot of people it is habit to over eat and behavioral modification will be the key to weight loss success in these cases.

Try Adaptogenplus food supplement to keep you on an even keel stress wise. Check it out here Adaptogenplus Click on SHOP. Top right category is Mood Enhancement scroll down and select Adaptogenplus. Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

One of the easiest ways to change your eating behavior is to eliminate any temptations. This is best done at the supermarket by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem. Shaun McClelland says, use your imagination instead of discipline to lose weight. Visualise your slim image.

By not having these low value foods in the house you won't be tempted to eat them because they won't be there and this will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.

Avoid fast foods as they are responsible for the high incidence of weight problems due to the simple fact that they aren't delivering the essential nutrients that the body needs. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

This process is made considerably easier if all members of the household will help towards achieving the goal of better eating.

If you do the shopping then you will be able to determine what food is purchased and this will help to make your weight loss easier, and in doing so it will help the nutrition of all members of the household.

Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business

Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Wednesday 22 October 2008

If I Only Had The Time… AARP Bulletin REPORT Stocks Fall on Gloomy Earnings Reports,


{Success won't come via the IF ONLY camp}

How many times have you used this statement to excuse yourself from entering a business opportunity? How many times have you wanted to take advantage of a business opportunity and in your gut you knew it was right but something held you back? Researching the AARP Bulletins Report would make any AARP Baby Boomer hesitant to invest and loose money.

Many people want to create wealth and talk about how wealthy they want to be but don't take advantage of the opportunities when they present themselves. well I have good news for any AARP Baby Boomer who is hesitant because of time running out and are afraid of the risk factor to start creating wealth once again. The new wave in wrapped up in the BEST INTERNET HOME BASED BUSINESS.

In Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich" he talks about the people who sit on the side lines and wish they could play the game but never get in it. If you are one of these people, here is an opportunity that can enable you to create passive income and utilize a team of people working for you to make you successful. I know that this sounds foreign to you but this is a new business model that is taken the business world by storm. This model is a buy customer and not leads model along with an army of people dedicated to assisting others in growing their businesses.

Let's talk about buying customers instead of leads. In other emails I have talked about buying customers that are already buying products. They are already sold by the company and the company spent the money to acquire the customer. Then they in turn sell the customer to the Business Affiliate and the Affiliate gets the commissions for life. Building a business like this is pain free.

In addition to buying customers the TOMORROW'S HOME BUSINESS TEAM has put together groups of people who specialize in specific areas of business. These people work together to get other's businesses growing faster. With the team effort anyone can choose to work as part of the team of just buying customers. This model has evolved into a solid business model that is producing results. The results that are being seen are amazing and breaking all records.

To hear more about this amazing opportunity go to our online meeting that is held every Thursday at 6:00 PM our teams conference room. Click this Conference Room link to arrive. Enter the room and click the 3rd tab at the top. Type your name in as the user name. And success as the password. You will learn how this marvellous business model works.


Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia

Tuesday 21 October 2008

11 Emotional Triggers and weight Loss

There are many different reasons why people become overweight. One is the lack of money which leads to eating to much fatty/oily food. check out the link below for the Best Internet Home Business in this multi billion dollar wellness industry.

It is not as simple as saying that overweight people just eat too much because there can be any number of psychological reasons that make people want to eat more.

Emotional triggers such as stress, sadness, depression and so on can all make a person want to eat more food. This is due to the fact that there are certain chemicals in the brain that are linked to both mood and hunger.

Many people associate eating with various different emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more food to make themselves feel better, or happier, or more comforted.

If you feel that this is the reason for your weight problem then it is probably better to get those issues resolved first by seeing a specialist rather than trying to attack the food problem first.

For a lot of people it is habit to over eat and behavioral modification will be the key to weight loss success in these cases.

Try Adaptogenplus food supplement to keep you on an even keel stress wise. Check it out here Adaptogenplus Click on SHOP. Top right category is Mood Enhancement scroll down and select Adaptogenplus. Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

One of the easiest ways to change your eating behavior is to eliminate any temptations. This is best done at the supermarket by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem.

By not having these low value foods in the house you won't be tempted to eat them because they won't be there and this will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.

Avoid fast foods as they are responsible for the high incidence of weight problems due to the simple fact that they aren't delivering the essential nutrients that the body needs. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

This process is made considerably easier if all members of the household will help towards achieving the goal of better eating.

If you do the shopping then you will be able to determine what food is purchased and this will help to make your weight loss easier, and in doing so it will help the nutrition of all members of the household.


Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Monday 20 October 2008

If Only I Knew How… Great Sex After Fifty for AARP MEMBERS ONLY .LOL

Ha got you there, What an Attention grabby sex has become. The Title goes with this article on If Only I knew How ???. In researching the AARP web site at Dr Laura Berman identifies and answers 10 questions on making love and sex better than ever. Nothing sleazy or profane but good practical advise for a real problems facing AARP members and the public in general.

One aspect Dr Laura did not address is the worry factor involved due to lack of money and the stress that causes in ones life. This can be traced back to the IF ONLY factor. IF ONLY I KNEW HOW TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY. Well at Tomorrows Home Business I am pleased to announce to my AARP friends we have taken the IF only I knew How to factor into the realm if Let me show you HOW to make money experience.

No longer is the IF ONLY statement valid in creating wealth because the Tomorrows Home Business model teaches you every step of the way how to build a business. If you choose just to invest your money and not do any of the work then ask me to send you a comparison of what I am receiving from 38 years of investing into a financial institution. You will then know why I am passionate about what we are doing. Although I don't know anyone who, given the teaching and education that is received within this model, who would sit passively by and let someone else do the work.

Now, just to restate the Tomorrows Home Business model, which is to buy customers not leads, This model will deliver to you additional streams of revenue that can literally enhance your lifestyle. There are many people who have followed this model and within a short period of time have quit their jobs.

If you haven't already, please come to our online meeting that is held every Thursday at 6:00 PM our teams conference room. Click this Conference Room link to arrive. Enter the room and click the 3rd tab at the top. Type your name in as the user name. And success as the password. This will give you great insight into this new business model. If you've read all of these emails and haven't come to the meetings yet, I don't know what else to do to persuade you to do so. Nowhere else that I know of, has a similar model that allows businesses affiliate to purchase a company's existing customers and benefit from the ongoing commissions. This is unique and powerful.

If after going to the online meeting you would like to have further information please feel free to contact me at the number below and I will be glad to answer any questions that you have.


Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Saturday 18 October 2008

10: Eating The Right Foods for Weight Loss.

Dear Winners,

                                           EARN MONEY HELPING PEOPLE LOSE WEIGHT 

The biggest problem with most people gaining weight is due to the quantity of food they consume.

That sounds obvious but you need to understand that there is often a good reason why some people feel the need to consume larger quantities of food than others and in doing so become overweight.

It all relates to the types of foods that we eat and their nutritional value. If you eat foods that are low in nutritional value they will leave you wanting more because they haven't delivered the nutrients required to supply you with the energy you need and they haven't satisfied your appetite.

They have left you feeling hungry and it is human nature to eat more food until that hunger goes away.

If you were to eat the right foods your nutritional needs would be met and you wouldn't feel hungry. If you didn't feel hungry you wouldn't continue to eat and that in turn would ensure that you didn't gain excess weight.

You can understand now why fast foods are responsible for the high incidence of weight problems due to the simple fact that they aren't delivering the essential nutrients that the body needs.

By making some simple changes to the foods that we eat and replacing those foods that are low in nutrition with more appropriate foods for healthy living it becomes a lot easier to maintain a good bodyweight without having the burden of hunger to contend with.

The problem with most diets is the fact that they are just too hard to maintain for any amount of time and this shouldn't be the situation as hunger is not supposed to be a part of a balanced lifestyle.

Good food in good quantities will help you to maintain a healthy bodyweight and you will feel satisfied after your meals.

Try Adaptogenplus food supplement to keep you on an even keel stress wise. Check it out here Adaptogenplus Click on SHOP. Top right catogary is Mood Enhancement scroll down and select Adaptogenplus. Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

Avoid fast foods as they are responsible for the high incidence of weight problems due to the simple fact that they aren't delivering the essential nutrients that the body needs. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

Good food in good quantities will help you to maintain a healthy bodyweight and you will feel satisfied after your meals.That is an easily accomplished weight reduction with very little change to your lifestyle and habits.


Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Friday 17 October 2008

If I Could Meet "The Right People"… AARP HAVE MANY:"RIGHT PEOPLE"

Hello Blessed AARP Folk,
How many times have you said that if you could meet the right people you would be able to be successful in starting your own business? Meeting the right people is an important ingredient in starting and running a home business. Unfortunately it is difficult to figure out who the right people are. Occasionally business opportunities will come along that fits the "right people" model.

This report is from a Money Making Subscription. Just this week, for example, if you had followed our Safe Money Report recommendations to buy a simple exchange-traded fund — an ETF — designed to go UP when retail stocks go down, you could have banked a gain of 58.6% in just 19 days. The week before that, you could have done even better: A 93.8% gain on another exchange-traded fund, this one designed to go up when tech stocks decline. Almost double your money — not just despite the market decline, but actually because of the market decline!

So what has this got to do with this Article. Generally AARP members have not got money to gamble with. Well neither have I and that is why I am so excited about this business model we at Tomorrows Home Business are all working at.

This new business model is far surpassing the old MLM or network marketing models. As you know the old MLM model is to buy into a business, duplicate the efforts of the people above you and go out and recruit other people to join your business. It is difficult to Coach anyone to earning higher incomes unless you have actually done this yourself. Most people have not made the money they tell you they are making. The old model is riddled with flaws and imperfection. This new model allows a new business owner to grow their business without buying worthless leads and making obnoxious phone calls.

This new model is a buy customers not leads model. What this means is the company has taken the time and the expense of selling the customer, the end user, its products and services. Once the customers sold the products then the company in turn sells the customer to the business affiliate for considerably less than you would pay for a qualified lead. You then get commissions for life. In addition to the buy customers not leads model you also get the backing of an army of marketers who are marketing to bring people into the system, like you, to grow their businesses. These people are recruiting other people to come in and start a business and by customers.

So if you ever said "if only I could meet the right people," this is your opportunity. All you need to do is go to ItsBrilliantBusiness and read the Q&A then fill in the contact for and I will contact you with more info

If you're looking for a business opportunity that will work for you, instead of you working for it,then this model is for you. Just go online meeting that is held every Thursday and Sunday at 6:00 PM our teams conference room. Click this Conference Room link to arrive. Enter the room and click the 3rd tab at the top. Type your name in as the user name. And success as the password. You're in the right place at the right time! If after the on-line meeting you feel this opportunity is for you simply contact me, and I will be glad to explain and discuss the program further. CONTACT US

Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Wednesday 15 October 2008

AARP Financial Crises {1 If I could just get a "break"…}

Greetings Fellow Vets

1 If I could just get a "break"…

This is another excuse that is used by many people to explain away success. "Breaks" come along all the time but many people don't realize them. Opportunities are plentiful you just have to seize the moment and take advantage of them when they show up. It doesn't mean that you should enter into every one that you hear about but at least explore its potential. As you start to become wealthy, more opportunities will show up and over time you will learn how to discern whether they are right or not.

There is no better time than now to start planning for a bright financial future. With the Worlds Stock Markets crashing, there will be a point where it stabilizes and that is when you buy those stocks. Many folk have lost fortunes and many folk are going to make fortunes out of the same crisis. Don't be one of the IF ONLY BRIGADE mentality.

One of my favorite quotes is "When preparation meets opportunity, Success is inevitable" When the student is ready, the teacher will show up. This has been true on more than one occasion in my life. I was ready for Internet Marketing and Veretekk showed up. Hear I learned how to market on the Internet.

This series of articles is to peak your attention and get you to take action and explore Tomorrows Home Business which is a unique business model that has been growing at a very rapid rate and can provide for you and additional revenue stream if so desired.Unlike the volatile stock market where the Government are now going to manipulate. We as a team have source and chosen one of Americas best keep secret of creating a stable residual income.

As most of you are well aware, the money is in customers and not leads. That is precisely what we as a team do. WE BUY CUSTOMERS that are loyal to the company in this next TRILLION DOLLAR WELLNESS BUSINESS. Through this series of articles I hope to motivated you to at least come to the online meeting that is held every Thursday at 6:00 PM our teams conference room. at Click this Conference Room to arrive. Enter the room and click the 3rd tab at the top. Type your name in as the user name. And success as the password. If you have not done so you are missing out on a tremendous opportunity that can enable you to achieve your wants and dreams.

Just to reiterate how this new business model works, it is a buy customers and not leads model. By buying existing customers you build your customer base thus building your commissions and future income. Along with this buy customer's model there is a team of business affiliates that are working very hard to help each other grow their business. This is unusual since everyone is working to help each other unlike the old MLM or network marketing models where you have to do all the work. Now in the old model many times people were promised that others will help them when in fact they do not. This is not the case in Tomorrows Home Business, where everyone is working to get the other successful. But aside from that the purchasing of customers is highly unique and is not found in any other MLM or network marketing business that I know of today.

Any business that has the ability to sell their products to the end user has a solid marketing system already in place and is unlike any other MLM or network marketing company. These other companies' only sell through distributors therefore you have to do all the work. In this case the company does the work, you purchase a customer from them and get the commissions for life. They do the rest, delivery of product, follow up and motivation etc. Check out this {Click on this link} Cooperative Marketing Video

If you cant wait until Thursday public meeting to find out more, then go to my web site at ItsBrilliantBusiness and click on the contact me link. I will then get back to you as soon as possible to to a private presentation online for you.


Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia


Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Tuesday 14 October 2008

9 Don't Make Dieting Difficult. {Wellness and Health Home Busines}

Dear Winner,


{Check out the links below to find out more about a wellness Home Business}

The more difficult you make your diet the less likely you are to stick to it and succeed.

If you are constantly having to think about your diet throughout the day and keeping account of all the foods that you eat and the calories that you are counting then it becomes very difficult to maintain for the long-term and eventually those types of diets result in failure for most people.

By keeping your weight loss program simple you are going to achieve a lot better results because it allow you to get on with enjoying everyday life without having to think about food and cutting back on your food for all of your waking hours.

Even mention of the word diet has negative effects for many people because it immediately places restrictions on their lifestyle. For this reason Leanology weight loss program was formed. To make it simple for you to follow. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

There are enough things to contend with in modern day life without having to constantly keep a track of what you're eating although you do need to be aware of the types of food and the portions that you are consuming because this is what determines whether you gain or lose weight.

Healthy weight loss can be achieved quite simply by just reducing by small amounts the portions that you have at each meal even if you don't change the types of foods you are eating.

This is generally the best way for people to start dieting {Start renewing your mind to say planned eating instead of dieting}as it doesn't require anything that is too difficult and too hard to maintain for enough time to see results. Remember it takes 21 days to break and start a new habit.

Once people see results from the weight-loss program then there is an incentive to carry on and do better and particularly if these results have come about by using simple techniques that haven't burdened the enjoyment of life. This will open up new areas to explore as you become lighter and fitter.

Before you start on any diets consider the consequences and how it will impose on your life and whether you have the type of personality that will allow you to maintain what is required for that particular program.Try Adaptogenplus food supplement to keep your moods stable in this transition time. Check it out here Adaptogenplus Click on SHOP. Top right category is Mood Enhancement scroll down and select Adaptogenplus. Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

Just the word diet in itself instantly strikes fear into the minds of many people because so many times in the past they have tried various different diets and not had any long term success. That is why start using the term planned eating.

You should think more in terms of making small adjustments to your lifestyle as this is a better alternative than to think you are on a 'weight loss diet'. For many people 'dieting' is rejected in their minds eye as being something unpleasant that is hard to endure. Improving your nutrition and fitness is not nearly as difficult to maintain as 'dieting'

Focus on lifestyle changes rather than a reduction in food and you won't feel like you are having to give something up that you probably enjoy.


Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Monday 13 October 2008

AARP Financial Crises Seen As Opportunity For New World Financial Order -

AARP Financial Crises Seen As Opportunity For New World Financial Order -

As shell-shocked central bankers and finance ministers gather in Washington to confront the world's financial meltdown this weekend, that grinding noise in the background is the sound of the global balance of power shifting. What impact will this have on the American Association for Retired People AARP

In sharp contrast to past crises — from the Latin American debt problems of the 1980s to the Asian and Russian currency collapses of the 1990s — the emerging markets of the developing world boast the strong balance sheets and deep financial pockets while the United States and Western Europe lurch from crisis to crisis.

"In a very bizarre way, roles have been reversed in the global economy," said Alex Patelis, head of international economics at Merrill Lynch. "The typical troublemakers of the global economy, the emerging markets, are actually now the world's creditors. Those members of the AARP need to take note of what is happening as it will effect your bottom line

"We do need a new world financial order, and we will probably get one as a side effect of this crisis," he said.

Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. gave a clear signal of the new pecking order last week on the sidelines of the annual Washington meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

With world financial markets reeling, Mr. Paulson said, he was following up an emergency meeting Friday of finance ministers from the traditional Group of Seven industrial powers — Britain, France, Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy and the United States — with a larger gathering Saturday of the so-called Group of 20, which includes China, India, Russia and Brazil.

The meeting was designed to "coordinate [policies] to lessen the effects of global market turmoil and the economic slowdown on all of our countries," Mr. Paulson said.

Before the meeting, President Bush issued a plea for nations to work together to address the crisis, avoiding the go-it-alone protectionist trade strategies that worsened conditions during the Great Depression.

"In an interconnected world, no nation will gain by driving down the fortunes of another. We are in this together. We will come through it together," Mr. Bush said during an appearance in the Rose Garden after a private White House meeting with ministers and officials from nearly a dozen nations and international organizations.

"There have been moments of crisis in the past when powerful nations turned their energies against each other or sought to wall themselves off from the world. This time is different," he said.

My advise to anyone over 50 and everyone who is a member of the AARP take a good look at what we as a team of like minded professionals are doing to establish our retirement years without Government interference. Not only over 50s but for young men and woman just starting out in life to do the same.

As the world is now a Global village, the work from home business model has come into its own and leading the field is Trivita. As most AARP members are part of the baby boomers and are looking a ways to keep themselves healthier and live longer. We are in involved in the wellness industry and blessed to be part of a dynamic team building a solid financial future working together as a team.

Our team leaders are all Baby Boomers themselves and the best in the field of Internet Home Based Businesses. WE specifically chose Trivita because it is a 10 year old debt free company that DOES NOT have to rely on Government sponsored Banks to bank roll its operating costs.

Estimates say 33% of Baby Boomers own their own homes outright which means of the AARP members some 67% will still have mortgages and these people are the hardest hit during any recession and in fact it is loans in general and the miss-management of dept in general by bank and finance companies that has started the roller coaster ride towards recession.

Although I own my own home outright, my retirement annuities from the financial sector is not enough to support my lifestyle. That is why I have started a new ten year plan to build another income stream with Tomorrows Home Business in order to create another income stream to protect my own Lifestyle as relying on Government handouts is not an option.

To find out how you can get a piece of this lucrative pie I invite you to our live online meeting on Thursdays nights 6PM EST


Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Saturday 11 October 2008

Weight Loss Diffficult Dieting and Home Business

8 Difficult Dieting      Weight loss is a very Lucritive Home Business Check out the Links below

The problem with anything that is too difficult in our busy lifestyles is the fact that eventually we will stop doing what we perceive to be too hard and look for alternatives that are easier.

It's not that we are inclined to give up when the going gets tough; It is because there are generally easier alternatives these days due to the advances that have been made over the years and in particular with weight loss there have been many advances in both nutrition and fitness training.

Unfortunately most diets are just too difficult for people to maintain for any length of time and that is why the failure rate is so high. Weight loss pills can go a long way to keeping you on track.Try Adaptogenplus food supplement to keep you on an even keel stress wise. Check it out here Adaptogenplus Click on SHOP. Top right catogary is Mood Enhancement scroll down and select Adaptogenplus. Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

Where there are two alternatives for you to lose weight (provided of course they are genuine weight loss opportunities) then you should generally look towards the easier option as this will be the one that you will be able to continue using long enough to get your desired results.

You should not feel as though you are on a diet because that in itself often means you are working hard to achieve something. Taking supplement will also help your mental challenge in that you will know you are eating for health and health will show up in due course.. To help you stay on track as well take a look at these Leanology supplements. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

Just the word diet in itself instantly strikes fear into the minds of many people because so many times in the past they have tried various different diets and not had any long term success.

You should think more in terms of making small adjustments to your lifestyle as this is a better alternative than to think you are on a 'weight loss diet'. For many people 'dieting' is rejected in their minds eye as being something unpleasant that is hard to endure. Improving your nutrition and fitness is not nearly as difficult to maintain as 'dieting'

Focus on lifestyle changes rather than a reduction in food and you won't feel like you are having to give something up that you probably enjoy.

Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Friday 10 October 2008

AARP Organization Turn your retirement lifeline into an Abundance Lifestyle

Staying true to its founding principles 50 years ago AARP has achieved its goal of

*Promoting independence, dignity and purpose for older persons *Enhancing the quality of life for older persons *And encouraging older people "To serve, not to be served"

And then came along the powerful Bankers who engineer and manipulate the financial institutions that create havoc with the man in the streets life savings and retirement provisions. The AARP web site, is extensive, interesting and contains a great deal of information useful for those of us over the age of 50. There is an excellent section of the AARP web site devoted to Money; Retirement, Personal Finance and Work. There is also a section offering ideas and analysis on investments and wealth preservation.

Uncle Sam's Bailout version is just bankrolling existing debt with more debt. Ultimately you the taxpayer will end up funding this. AARP provides information for us, the people with the wisdom of age, to implement and execute your own bailout plan. There is a lot to review on their site, and I suggest you do. I also suggest consider another financial option that you will not find on the AARP web site.

Fortunately for me I live in South Africa and our retirement funds have already been guaranteed by government. Even still I cashed in all my Retirement Policies 2 months before the crash. On the day that my broker cashed my money in I lost R100,000 This meant the 1/3 cash we are allowed to take out was 33,000 less and the 2 thirds bought me 66000 less annuities. Plus only R9000 monthly income over a 20 year period. Ten years ago this would have been well in excess of the national average income. Today it is just below par.

Thank God I found Trivita and 3 notable leaders leading our team called Tomorrow's Home Business. As most of you know, any business worth its salt has loyal customers. Well I have good news for you. Our Business Model sponsored by Trivita has in excess of 2 million customers. All our team does is partner with Trivita and their customers become ours for which we are well paid. A business plan to just buy customers based on Trivita historical sales is going realize for me. Take note of this 10 times as much monthly income in only ten years as opposed to what I am now getting after 30 years.

My advise to anyone over 50 and everyone who is a member of the AARP take a good look at what we as a team of like minded professional are doing to establish our retirement years without Government interference. Not only over 50s but for young men and woman just starting out in life to do the same.


Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia

Thursday 9 October 2008

Changing Your Routine on the road to Weight Loss success

7 Changing Your Routine                             {weight Loss is a grate Home Based Business. Check out the links below}

Quite often one of the best ways for most people to get started on a weight-loss program is to simply change the routine that they are accustomed to. Factor an exercise plan into your weight loss diet plan.

We get into the same habits of eating the same foods and doing the same things every day and the change alone can stimulate the body into action. Forty years ago the father of weight lifting, Bob Hoffman said their is only one disease, that is, wrong eating. This day and age has bared that out to be true.

There is no better way to break a habit than to do something completely different and if you do it for long enough that will become the norm and changes in your lifestyle can be made within the course of a month if you habitually do the same thing every day - just make sure that that things that you do every day are making positive steps to achieving a better quality of health and lower body fat.

Most people who are overweight have some habit or habits that have resulted in their condition because it takes the constant over abuse of food and alcohol to get in such a state unless there are some other specific health-related problems.

If you make a concerted effort to change many of your normal routines you might find that these habits present themselves and you can begin to understand why you started putting on weight in the first place. If you know the reason for your condition that makes it a lot easier to reverse that state and get to where you want to be.

No matter how many weight loss programs you attempt to go on they will always be a struggle if you can't resolve the underlying issues and the habits that have caused you to neglect your health to such an extent that you don't feel happy about your body. This can be stressful. Try Adaptogenplus food supplement to keep you on an even keel stress wise. Check it out here Adaptogenplus Click on SHOP. Top right category is Mood Enhancement scroll down and select Adaptogenplus. Add it to your cart and pay direct to Trivita they will send it to you.

Quite often the foods that we believe we can't do without are only needed due to the habit of always having had them. If you were brought up in a different household where your diet was different then those would be the foods that you would want to eat even if the diet was completely different from the one you currently enjoy.

Taking supplement will also help your mental challenge in that you will know you are eating for health and health will show up in due course.. To help you stay on track as well take a look at these Leanology supplements. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Wednesday 8 October 2008

American Association of Retired People AARP

American Association of Retired People AARP

Are you really retired?         {Creating Lucritive Home Based Businesses for Ordinary Folk}

In South Africa our official retirement age is 65. Like the AARP we also have similar association for Retired people. In fact Retired people have far more to offer industry and commerce, than the young upstarts. I am now 58 and have seen many, so called retirement folk, struggling to make ends meet. What was a secure investment when we started signing up for retirement annuity packages has been capsized by money hungry institutions who mishandle your Hard earned cash over a lifetime.

Like my fellow American friends we have had an inflation rate here in South Africa that has driven most of the retirement folk back into the workforce. I actually find it distasteful and embarrassing when I go shopping and the cashier asked me if I have a pensioner's card for a discount. I don't know about The American Association of Retired People membership benefits. I believe they have insurance discounts, advocacy for your voice on Medicare and Social Security in Washington, and some information on financial planning along with healthy living.

That is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak, of what retired folk need assistance with. What about the emotional and rejection feelings when you become limited in what you once used to be able to do. Relying on government regulations to live your life sub par. I know what I am talking about. I have just this month received my first retirement Annuity monthly payout after contributing for 37 years. It is one tenth of what I am working on now for the next 10 years without Government help. This plan has renewed my life with an expectancy I never had before. Given me a positive outlook and a motivation to live a healthy lifestyle know that in a few short years time I will be able to do so much more than I am currently doing.

I am blessed to have met a group of like-minded businessmen on the Internet. Men such as Butch Hamilton, Raymond Jewels and Al Gonzales. These men have brought integrity, honesty and a true work ethic into the Work From Home Cyber industry. By the way this is the industry of the future that is here now. Everyone can participate. We are a group of normal folk working as a team to enhance each other's income from the Internet. And you know what It is working like wildfire.

This working from home Internet business will give you a fresh vision, a new zest for life and coupled with the next Trillion-dollar business. Health and Well-being. It is NOT MLM it is a well structured 10 year young business plan that has set 1000's of members free from debt and anxiety about the future. It is a true walk away residual income business with multiple streams of income.

It is all taking place at Tomorrow's Home Business, we have meetings every Thursday at 9 P.M. (Eastern) and every Sunday at 9 P.M. (Eastern). We look forward to meeting you.

Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Success will not come by way of the IF ONLY camp

Hello Netrepreneur ,

If I Only Had The Time…            {Success will not come by way of the IF ONLY camp}


{This is an opportunity for the Weight Loss Camp to generate income}

How many times have you used this statement to excuse yourself from entering a business opportunity? How many times have you wanted to take advantage of a business opportunity and in your gut you knew it was right but something held you back? Many people want to create wealth and talk about how wealthy they want to be but don't take advantage of the opportunities when they present themselves.

In Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich" he talks about the people who sit on the side lines and wish they could play the game but never get in it. If you are one of these people, here is an opportunity that can enable you to create passive income and utilize a team of people working for you to make you successful. I know that this sounds foreign to you but this is a new business model that is taken the business world by storm. This model is a buy customer and not leads model along with an army of people dedicated to assisting others in growing their businesses.

Let's talk about buying customers instead of leads. In other emails I have talked about buying customers that are already buying products. They are already sold by the company and the company spent the money to acquire the customer. Then they in turn sell the customer to the Business Affiliate and the Affiliate gets the commissions for life. Building a business like this is pain free.

In addition to buying customers the TOMORROW'S HOME BUSINESS TEAM has put together groups of people who specialize in specific areas of business. These people work together to get other's businesses growing faster. With the team effort anyone can choose to work as part of the team of just buying customers. This model has evolved into a solid business model that is producing results. The results that are being seen are amazing and breaking all records.

To hear more about this amazing opportunity go to our online meeting that is held every Thursday at 6:00 PM our teams conference room. Click this Conference Room link to arrive. Enter the room and click the 3rd tab at the top. Type your name in as the user name. And success as the password. You will learn how this marvellous business model works.

Shaun McClelland – Internet Marketing Facilitator
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States
0131 208 2302 United Kingdom
(07) 5641 0472 Australia

Monday 6 October 2008

6 Changing Bad Habits to Lose Weight

Dear Weight Watcher,

 6 Changing Bad Habits            {Check out the link at the bottom to turn Weight Loss into a money machine}

Once you realize that most weight problems are related to bad habits you will understand that if you can eliminate these bad habits weight loss will follow. Most folk find it easy to lose the fat, the problem comes in maintaining the loss.

The first step in the process is to determine what your bad habits are. Look at the times when you tend to overeat and see if you can understand what triggers these reactions.

If you can eliminate those triggers and you can only do that by determining what they are in the first place then you will find it a lot easier to sort out your eating problems. Write down your vision and meditate on it until you believe it.

You should also look at the types of food that you go for during these times as often they will be comfort foods and more often than not these comfort foods are of very low nutritional value and due to that fact they will stimulate overeating.

By simply changing your comfort foods, with those that are of a higher nutritional value you will still be satisfying your needs by eliminating the negative side effects that are associated with poor food. I replaced chocolates for sunflower seeds, coke with filtered water.

As most things that we do in life are habitual we rarely think about the actions we take as we go about our daily routines on auto pilot. Unfortunately everything we do throughout the day includes both good and bad habits and it is those bad habits that are causing the damage.

As we age, more and more aspects of our life become habitual and it becomes more difficult to realize we have these habits and even more so to get rid of them particularly if we have had them for a long time. When I drink the water I mentally see it cleansing my body of toxins and flushing out the fat.

With a bit of personal analysis you will quickly become to notice the various different things that are leading up to your eating and weight problems.

If you only target one of these habits at a time it becomes a lot easier to make the changes and often changing one habit can have a positive affect on many other habits. The process certainly becomes easier the more you do it in and by concentrating more on that area rather than the food itself you will find that weight loss is not such an overwhelming part of your life.

Taking supplement will also help your mental challenge in that you will know you are eating for health and health will show up in due course.. To help you stay on track as well take a look at these Leanology supplements. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name.

That is an easily accomplished weight reduction with very little change to your lifestyle and habits.

Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Sunday 5 October 2008

Weight Loss Calories Revisited

Dear Person of resolve,     {Lose body fat and Learn how to turn your Weight Loss Program into a Home Based Busines}

5 Calories Revisited

The problem with restricting your calories too much is the fact that it slows down your metabolism and in doing so it makes it all the more difficult to sustain weight loss. Your body goes into survival mode and when you add more calories. Guess what? Your body sucks up the extra calories and stores them as body fat in preperation for the famine it thinks is ahead.

This is one of the reasons why it is suggested that you don't reduce your calories by an excessive amount on a daily basis if you want to keep reducing weight over the long-term.

On the other hand when you have excess calories over and above the energy needs of your body then these calories will be stored as fat.

You can see by the last two sentences that it is crucially important for you to get your calorie intake levels correct if you are to lose weight.

Your daily calorie requirement depends on a number of different factors including your weight, your age, gender and your lifestyle as a more active person will need more calories due to the fact that they will be burning more in the course of the day.

On average every pound of your body weight represents approximately 3500 calories. Based on this average, to lose 1 pound you will need to reduce your calorie intake by 3500 calories. On diet alone, you can see how it won't be possible to lose a pound a day unless of course you already have a considerable calorie intake and the reduction will still leave you with sufficient food and nutrition to remain healthy.

Supplements can certainly help to make up for any nutrition deficiencies a lot of the time. To help you stay on track as well take a look at Leanology supplements. Go to Leanology Appetite Control Chews Click on the Shop tab and scroll right down to Weight Loss and you will find this product list name. By reducing your calories by only 100 calories per day over the course of the year you would have consumed 36,500 less calories and that converts to a weight reduction of almost 10 1/2 pounds.

That is an easily accomplished weight reduction with very little change to your lifestyle and habits.

Shaun McClelland.
Nutritious Home Business
Skype ID cashking777
(214) 717-4849 United States

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links